Regulated institutions and registered financial market entities lists
As the financial market regulator, the Czech National Bank publishes lists of regulated and registered financial market participants, primarily in order to give both professionals and the general public the opportunity to check whether the institutions or private individuals they might encounter on the Czech financial market are authorised to offer and provide financial services and products. The Czech National Bank endeavours to provide not just static lists, but an interactive tool for looking up supervised, regulated and registered entities.
The database allows users to search and view the up-to-date records held by the Czech National Bank as of a selected date either by running user-defined queries or by viewing predefined lists of regulated and supervised institutions and registered participants in the Czech Republic. The selected date cannot be prior to 01 January 2009. Records on the commencement and termination of authorisations, changes due to mergers and changes in an entity's name and scope of activity etc., are updated continuously. Other records, notably contact details (address, telephone, fax, email, website), are updated quarterly for banks, foreign bank branches and subsidiaries, credit unions, insurance providers and foreign insurance providers' branches and subsidiaries; for other participants they are updated upon notification by the relevant legal entity only. How up to date the are data depends on whether a change notification has been received by the Czech National Bank and on the notification frequency of the legal entity submitting the notification. The overall presentation is based on interactive links between the lists and more detailed records held on the individual entities. These are available in the form of an identity file on a financial market entity by clicking on the company name (or first name and last name for a private individual) in any list. The extent of the identity file differs for each participant type and contains items relevant to that type only. The identity file always pops up in a separate window. Although maximum attention is devoted to ensuring that the data in the database are correct and up to date, given the large volume of the data and the technical properties of the internet we cannot vouch for their completeness, accuracy and integrity. Therefore, if you believe that the database contains errors, please contact the Czech National Bank, especially if you intend to use the data for commercial purposes. Live operation of the basic registers whereby data on natural persons and legal entities will be shared within the public administration was launched on 1 July 2012 in accordance with Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on Basic Registers, as amended. The CNB is involved in exchanging data on the entities it regulates and registers. The CNB completed the basic connection of all entities to the basic registers and has updated the data in accordance with the official reference data. In case of doubt about the correctness of the data of the subjects in the lists it is possible to submit a notification to the email address Such disputed data will be checked and corrected if a data error is confirmed. As from 1 July 2019, the provision of selected information on financial market participants through WS JERRS web services was launched. More information about web services is available on the CNB website. The last data upgrade on external pages of CNB occured 13.01.2025 01:24:57. |